Fenwick Christmas Windows
Newcastle, United Kingdom
Every year since 2011 we have worked together with One World studios to carry on the 100 year tradition of decorating the famous Fenwich Kaufhaus in Newcastle.
Fenwick Kaufhaus, Newcastle England -
Fenwick "Bücher" 2011 -
Fenwick "Weihnachtszug" 2012 -
Fenwick "Märchen" 2013 -
Fenwick "Alice im Wunderland" 2014 -
Fenwick"once upon a christmas" 2015 -
Fenwick "Beatrix Potter" 2016 -
Fenwick "Paddington" 2017 -
Fenwick "Snowman" 2018 -
Fenwick "Charly und die Schokoladenfabrik" 2019